
Posts Tagged ‘Christmas’

Some favorite tea-related Etsy finds…

How amazing is this? A perfect combination for tea and literature lovers during the Halloween season. Find it here.

Mmmm, make-your-own chai! Love this, find it here.

For any matcha lovers, this bowl is perfect! Find it here.

So cute! Find it here.

A unique and beautiful tea bowl. Find it here.

Okay, so I have a few things to add to my Amazon wishlist today : )


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I have often written about journaling on this blog. However, I have recently transitioned to automatic writing for about 20 minutes every morning. This has allowed me to tap into a higher guidance system. Rather than writing about problems or fears I am having, I pose a question, connect with my higher self, and allow myself to write down the wisdom that comes to me. I have found this to be both empowering and healing, as it allows me to step out of my day-to-day story and into a higher perspective.


This morning I sat in my meditation corner, listening to healing music, wrapped in a cozy blanket. I had trouble sleeping last night because a lot was on my mind. A project I am involved in is taking longer than I had hoped to get off the ground, and there is a lot up in the air. Instead of harping on this story, I wrote this:

What is the potential for you, if you were able to see the future as something that could be known–that there are many probable future destinations. You have the power to choose which outcome you would most like to see. The outcome you would like should be focused on solely for it to come into physical manifestation. You can draw pictures, create a vision board, and ask to see this for the highest good. When you think of how to serve others, your power increases significantly. It you were to focus on numbers and money, people would sense your fear and stay far away. But, when you focus on service and affirm that you will receive more than enough to meet your needs, all will be done in Divine Timing.

Much more empowering than a whiny journal entry about money!

If you happen to be in the area, I’m giving a workshop on Intuitive Journaling at Terraloka Wellness in Kent, CT on October 11th. Comment below if you’d like to join!

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It has been almost exactly a year since I last posted on SpiritualiTea. Although there have been many changes, my overall mission has remained the same: to offer a warm, safe space to explore spirituality (with tea).

What has been going on for me? Well, I became a life coach (yay!), began doing professional intuitive readings, left my job…more on that in a later post. I’m currently living life on my terms and have never felt happier, or more inspired! I began creating other blogs that I thought would perhaps express my new self, but in the end I’ve come back to SpiritualiTea as my home.

I’m excited to begin posting here again with a new voice and renewed passion.

There will be book suggestions, helpful resources, musings on my own spiritual life, and of course tea!

I also have a new feature: I will soon be venturing into the video podcasting world, and I hope to take you along with me! Each week I will post a new video providing an intuitive reading for the coming week’s energies. Grab a cup of tea and sit down with me on Sunday morning to find out what the week will bring for you.

Finally, I have two exciting offerings: the first is an online course that trains you to be a SpiritualiTea Facilitator in your community. Learn how to start a group, keep it going, gain members, find friends, and make a little extra money along the way!

Second, I am offering private intuitive readings by phone or Skype. I would love to get to know you and offer clear, accurate, empowering guidance on any challenges you are currently facing.

It feels good to be back.


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I hope everyone had a beautiful day yesterday, whether or not you celebrate Christmas. Enjoy the love and warmth that surrounds you at this time of year, no matter what your external circumstances may look like, and hold on to that feeling throughout your year. Stay tuned for some new tea suggestions coming soon!

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Happy Winter Solstice! As we prepare for the shortest day of the year, and as some believe, the continuation of a rapid shift in consciousness for our planet, do what feels right for you. Your community may be offering meditations, workshops, or yoga classes. This is a great way to celebrate the continual evolution of our planet. You may also just want to rest at home tonight, be with family members, and stay within both physically and emotionally. However you choose to honor the Winter Solstice, I wish you love, peace, and reflection in this quiet time of the year.

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One of my favorite Christmas gifts: Harney and Sons Guide to Tea by Michael Harney. I have only just begun to read this book, but it is very well written and informative. Harney compares tea tasting to wine tasting and gives suggestions on how to develop one’s palate. So far it seems to be a great, practical read for tea lovers!

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During Christmas we often see angels as statues, tree-toppers, and ornaments. Their kind faces and outspread wings are symbols of peace and protection that many people in our culture rely on and find comfort from. When I was very young my mother explained to me that I had a guardian angel that always protected me. I loved knowing this and, as a child, would often write letters to her and talk to her as an imaginary friend. After about the age of 9 I stopped doing this and only recently began thinking about this again. Do we have a guiding angel that stays with us all through life, watching over us each day? Until about six months ago I probably would have said that angels were a lovely metaphor, but as unrealistic as Santa Claus. However, I began having wonderful dreams with what I can only describe as an angelic presence. In the dreams I would open my eyes and see only beautiful light, not blinding but extremely bright and penetrating. I would hear a voice come over this light, soothing and quiet, telling me things about my life, and about the meaning of life. The main message I received was that love is the only authority. So, while I never saw wings I did feel such a beautiful, unearthly presence that my faith in angels was renewed.

Whatever your beliefs or your experiences, feeling that there is an invisible safety net underneath you makes it easier to take chances, and to know that whatever you do you are being looked after. It also allows us to know that we are never alone, and that love for each of us is infinite, something that is so easy to forget in life.

Do you believe in angels? Have you ever had similar experiences? 

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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

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This morning I went to Barnes and Noble to do one of my favorite things in the world: read magazines and sip tea in the cafe. I find hanging out in this quiet atmosphere to be incredibly soul-nurturing and I look forward to when I have time for this. So, for the tea, I sampled Harney and Sons Peppermint Herbal tea. I highly recommend it! It was perfectly pepperminty and  not too overpowering. It also felt quite festive for the holidays.

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Are you a last minute shopper? I know I am! I still have several people on my list to buy gifts for this week. How do you make sure that, even in a rush, you’re giving from the heart? Well, maybe try not to wait until the last second like me…Or consider these ideas for buying presents:

  • Does the person have a yearning to do some crazy, fun activity that he or she has never done before? I love giving experience gifts. Instead of giving an item, give a memory! This will also create a bonding experience if you do it together. For example, I signed up my then boyfriend and I for a sushi-making and sake-tasting class. We did it together, it was so much fun, and we’ll never forget it!
  • Make someone a card rather than buying a new one. This saves trees (always a good thing)! Use recycled paper, or scraps from wrapping paper around your house to create a collage or scene. Write in gel pens on the inside and make it completely your own.
  • If you’re short on cash, write a heartfelt letter. Tell someone how much you love and appreciate them. A gift like this will never be forgotten.
  • Make a cookbook with some favorite recipes. You can arrange the recipes any way you would like (binder, notebook, recipe box). To step it up a little, make one of the recipes to include with the gift.
  • Buy a journal for someone who likes to write. You can get some nice journals made from recycled paper at Barnes and Noble.

Buying from the heart is not just about giving gifts, but also buying things for yourself. How do you choose to spend your money? Are you completely practical or do you splurge once in a while (or once a week perhaps…)? It’s important that however you choose to spend money, you are doing it mindfully. This means that you only spend money on things that will increase your soul’s happiness.  When you look at spending from this perspective, it becomes easy to choose where your money goes. You’ll find that you’re buying things you really love rather than picking things at random or spending on things that you don’t truly want. You know that feeling of joy that rises in you when you find something you love in a store? Use that feeling as an indicator for where your money goes. No joy, no buy! Buying from the heart will allow you to be surrounded only by things you love and will clear out and simplify your life.

How do you decide what to buy? How often do you buy from the heart?

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