
Posts Tagged ‘blossom’

For the last year, feathers have been a symbol I have looked for when I needed a sign. Once I even came upon a dumpster full of feathers and angel wings, but that is a story for another time.

Yesterday after a particularly stressful morning, I came upon a pink feather in a parking lot. It was such a message of hope, healing, and the presence of angels that I immediately felt loved and supported.

Later in the day, I was sitting at the kitchen table on my computer and heard a thud. I sat up immediately and saw a small yellow bird sitting on my deck, obviously stunned after hitting the door. While I was worried about him, I also saw that he had left two small yellow feathers. Soon after, he blinked a few times and flew away. Although I did not want any harm to come to this creature, I also thanked him for leaving me the gift of his yellow feathers.

The specific color of the feather you find also has great meaning. Here is a great website listing feather meanings.

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Some favorite tea-related Etsy finds…

How amazing is this? A perfect combination for tea and literature lovers during the Halloween season. Find it here.

Mmmm, make-your-own chai! Love this, find it here.

For any matcha lovers, this bowl is perfect! Find it here.

So cute! Find it here.

A unique and beautiful tea bowl. Find it here.

Okay, so I have a few things to add to my Amazon wishlist today : )


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I have often written about journaling on this blog. However, I have recently transitioned to automatic writing for about 20 minutes every morning. This has allowed me to tap into a higher guidance system. Rather than writing about problems or fears I am having, I pose a question, connect with my higher self, and allow myself to write down the wisdom that comes to me. I have found this to be both empowering and healing, as it allows me to step out of my day-to-day story and into a higher perspective.


This morning I sat in my meditation corner, listening to healing music, wrapped in a cozy blanket. I had trouble sleeping last night because a lot was on my mind. A project I am involved in is taking longer than I had hoped to get off the ground, and there is a lot up in the air. Instead of harping on this story, I wrote this:

What is the potential for you, if you were able to see the future as something that could be known–that there are many probable future destinations. You have the power to choose which outcome you would most like to see. The outcome you would like should be focused on solely for it to come into physical manifestation. You can draw pictures, create a vision board, and ask to see this for the highest good. When you think of how to serve others, your power increases significantly. It you were to focus on numbers and money, people would sense your fear and stay far away. But, when you focus on service and affirm that you will receive more than enough to meet your needs, all will be done in Divine Timing.

Much more empowering than a whiny journal entry about money!

If you happen to be in the area, I’m giving a workshop on Intuitive Journaling at Terraloka Wellness in Kent, CT on October 11th. Comment below if you’d like to join!

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It has been almost exactly a year since I last posted on SpiritualiTea. Although there have been many changes, my overall mission has remained the same: to offer a warm, safe space to explore spirituality (with tea).

What has been going on for me? Well, I became a life coach (yay!), began doing professional intuitive readings, left my job…more on that in a later post. I’m currently living life on my terms and have never felt happier, or more inspired! I began creating other blogs that I thought would perhaps express my new self, but in the end I’ve come back to SpiritualiTea as my home.

I’m excited to begin posting here again with a new voice and renewed passion.

There will be book suggestions, helpful resources, musings on my own spiritual life, and of course tea!

I also have a new feature: I will soon be venturing into the video podcasting world, and I hope to take you along with me! Each week I will post a new video providing an intuitive reading for the coming week’s energies. Grab a cup of tea and sit down with me on Sunday morning to find out what the week will bring for you.

Finally, I have two exciting offerings: the first is an online course that trains you to be a SpiritualiTea Facilitator in your community. Learn how to start a group, keep it going, gain members, find friends, and make a little extra money along the way!

Second, I am offering private intuitive readings by phone or Skype. I would love to get to know you and offer clear, accurate, empowering guidance on any challenges you are currently facing.

It feels good to be back.


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Taking up a pencil and beginning to write has always been, for me, an extremely releasing and relaxing experience. As a child I could not stop writing. My parents gave me a journal when I was 8 and I have kept one ever since. I love the feeling of seeing page after blank page and knowing that my life is about to unfold in words.

Growing up my journal entries consisted mainly of detailed descriptions of all the boys I liked, the pain of being young, and the questions I had about life that no one could seem to answer. A few years ago I started to realize that journaling could not only be an emotional release, but also a spiritual experience. To make this happen a shift in intention must occur.

Do you go into writing with the intention of being honest with yourself, or is each entry one long rant? This is not just about the act of writing, but how you view yourself and the world. Your journal is a wonderful barometer of your personal outlook. Choosing to look at yourself honestly in writing is hard and painful, and you may splatter your pages with many tears. But it is absolutely crucial not to hide from yourself if you want to grow. I have learned this firsthand, and it is one of my own daily struggles. You could complain about how someone wronged you, but what could you have done to be better in that situation? You could explode about someone’s unkind words, but how can you choose to look at the situation with more love and less anger? Seeing these answers in writing, and not just letting them pass through your mind, is extremely powerful and promotes great change.

A daily journaling practice is a major part of my own spiritual practice. Often I do not keep up with it as much as I should, and during those hiatuses I see myself slipping away into a fog and feel that tug back to writing. If writing is not for you, perhaps you can choose another medium with which you can express yourself fully and honestly. Maybe you play or write music, paint, or garden. What is it you can do that will help you become more honest with yourself? Open up a journal, an instrument case, a set of paints, anything your imagination lands on, and watch yourself unfold!

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Ever since I moved into my apartment I have insisted on growing some sort of plant or flower. This began in the spring when I would actually spend an inordinate amount of time at work fantasizing about my blooms and herbs. Despite my love for plants, they often do not love me. My herbs shriveled and my flowers, although they did blossom, died way too early in the season. Based on this semi-failure in the summer I was going to resist planting anything in the winter. However, I saw some paper white bulbs recently and had to give it a try. I’m happy to report that they are doing quite well and I found a bloom on one yesterday morning!

Even if you feel like you do not have the greenest thumb, I urge you to try planting some winter flowers. It’s magical to see them grow from a knobby bulb or a tiny seed into something so beautiful. It’s a wonderful spiritual metaphor as well. We often begin on a spiritual path feeling small, ugly, or insignificant. However, with time and care we can realize that, like the seed, the blueprint for our own beautiful awakening is already there. We just need to give ourselves the circumstances necessary in which to blossom into our full potential.

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