
Posts Tagged ‘spiritual books’

I love doing an oracle card reading for myself when I am facing a particular issue, or even when I just want to know the energy trends surrounding me. This morning after a peaceful meditation, I pulled cards from the Angel Answers deck by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine.

IMG_0485The cards I got were: Big, happy Changes, It’s Up to You, Success, Helpful People, Yes, and Ask for Help from Others. When I pull cards for myself, I also believe that they are world energies. The cards in my reading also apply to anyone who might be reading this blog post.

Basically, have hope, you will be successful, ask for and accept the help that comes to you because nothing big is accomplished in isolation. And remember, it’s up to you! You have free will on this journey through life. What do you want most? What is your soul calling for you to do, be, or become? You can do it!

Happy Sunday Everyone!

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I have often written about journaling on this blog. However, I have recently transitioned to automatic writing for about 20 minutes every morning. This has allowed me to tap into a higher guidance system. Rather than writing about problems or fears I am having, I pose a question, connect with my higher self, and allow myself to write down the wisdom that comes to me. I have found this to be both empowering and healing, as it allows me to step out of my day-to-day story and into a higher perspective.


This morning I sat in my meditation corner, listening to healing music, wrapped in a cozy blanket. I had trouble sleeping last night because a lot was on my mind. A project I am involved in is taking longer than I had hoped to get off the ground, and there is a lot up in the air. Instead of harping on this story, I wrote this:

What is the potential for you, if you were able to see the future as something that could be known–that there are many probable future destinations. You have the power to choose which outcome you would most like to see. The outcome you would like should be focused on solely for it to come into physical manifestation. You can draw pictures, create a vision board, and ask to see this for the highest good. When you think of how to serve others, your power increases significantly. It you were to focus on numbers and money, people would sense your fear and stay far away. But, when you focus on service and affirm that you will receive more than enough to meet your needs, all will be done in Divine Timing.

Much more empowering than a whiny journal entry about money!

If you happen to be in the area, I’m giving a workshop on Intuitive Journaling at Terraloka Wellness in Kent, CT on October 11th. Comment below if you’d like to join!

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It has been almost exactly a year since I last posted on SpiritualiTea. Although there have been many changes, my overall mission has remained the same: to offer a warm, safe space to explore spirituality (with tea).

What has been going on for me? Well, I became a life coach (yay!), began doing professional intuitive readings, left my job…more on that in a later post. I’m currently living life on my terms and have never felt happier, or more inspired! I began creating other blogs that I thought would perhaps express my new self, but in the end I’ve come back to SpiritualiTea as my home.

I’m excited to begin posting here again with a new voice and renewed passion.

There will be book suggestions, helpful resources, musings on my own spiritual life, and of course tea!

I also have a new feature: I will soon be venturing into the video podcasting world, and I hope to take you along with me! Each week I will post a new video providing an intuitive reading for the coming week’s energies. Grab a cup of tea and sit down with me on Sunday morning to find out what the week will bring for you.

Finally, I have two exciting offerings: the first is an online course that trains you to be a SpiritualiTea Facilitator in your community. Learn how to start a group, keep it going, gain members, find friends, and make a little extra money along the way!

Second, I am offering private intuitive readings by phone or Skype. I would love to get to know you and offer clear, accurate, empowering guidance on any challenges you are currently facing.

It feels good to be back.


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As the summer approaches I am beginning to compile a list of books I’ll finally have time to read.

1. (I actually just ordered this for myself today, as well as a copy for a friend’s birthday)



The list will surely continue to grow over the next few weeks. Suggestions are greatly appreciated!

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About a month ago I wrote about how I was planning on doing Gabrielle Bernstein’s Add More -ing program for a year. Well, the first month is up and it was a rough ride! The first chapter asks you to focus on your feelings. Part of the exercise is to purposely bring up past pain in order to breathe it out. For a couple of weeks I was just bringing it up and could not figure out how to let it go. It would rise up and just sit there, festering. In the last week or so I noticed a subtle shift. All of a sudden as I was bringing up painful events in my memory I would see them right in front of me, as if I could reach out and touch them with my hand. No longer were they brought up in my body with nowhere to go. They had form and shape and I could see them clearly for the first time. While I am still not able to completely let everything go, I think my approach is much healthier and more useful than before.

The next chapter is on forgiveness. I am excited for this one! I’m hoping it will take all of the pain that is now floating in front of me and shove it away.

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“The writer Toni Morrison once described how the Mississippi River had been straightened out in places to make room for houses and livable acreage, and how occasionally the river will flood in in these places. Flood is the word they use, she said, ‘but in fact it is not flooding; it is remembering. Remembering where it used to be. All water has a perfect memory and is forever trying to get back to where it was” (Gregg Levoy in Callings: Finding and Following an Authentic Life).

This is such a powerful spiritual image: We come from a divine source and are constantly seeking to be reunited with this divinity we feel but often cannot touch. We may fight this urge, build perpetual dams against the power of our nature in the form of ego or identifying with our sadness or anger. However, the memory of our divinity still exists, and we find ourselves continually turning inward to push through those blockages and reclaim our fullest power.

What blockages have you set up in your life and how can they be overcome simply by recognizing and practicing your divine nature? How would your life change if you let those unseen areas begin to flood? Would you begin to write, or paint, or dream? There is a world of power behind our man-made blockades and accessing it would mean acknowledging our responsibility to it. In this higher expectation, however, would be more fulfillment and passion. Challenge yourself to ease through your blockages simply by recalling the way your energy wants to move, and watch your power grow.

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Add More -ing To Your Life by Gabrielle Bernstein is an extremely motivational book about releasing things you don’t need and creating the life you want. I am reading it now (along with about 4 other books I have also recommended on this blog…I like to read) though in a much different way than I normally read a book. It is divided into 12 sections, each of which should be practiced for 30 days. The first chapter has to do with acknowledging buried feelings and releasing them.

I began working on this a couple of days ago. Bernstein details a few steps to take in the process of releasing old feelings such as dance, meditation, and journaling. These steps are extremely cleansing and emotional, however Bernstein should write a warning: Do not attempt unless you are ready to deal with some tough stuff! I’ve done a lot of work to heal myself, but upon reading this book I again realize that the process does not have an end. There is always more to bring up and clear out. I really love her approach, however, because it is not just about reaching into the past, but creating a proactive plan for the future, which is just as healing as releasing old hurts.

I’m two days into the “Feelings” section, so in 28 days I’ll let you know how far I’ve come with this!

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Do you have something in your life that you are passionate about? Is there something that makes you feel such joy that while doing it time is lost and you feel free? Our passions are clues to our true callings. While this may or may not be your career, callings from our heart always merit our attention and bring great fulfillment in our lives.

I am reading a book now called Callings: Finding and Following an Authentic Life by Gregg Levoy. He describes callings saying, “It makes us forget that the sun rose and set, that we have bodily functions and personal relations that could use a little tending. It is what we’d do if we weren’t worried about consequences, about money, about making anybody happy but ourselves.”  I never fully understood passion until I truly began my spiritual journey. To say that I am fascinated by metaphysical and emotional matters is an understatement. This passion now forms the foundation of my present and my future. It is like falling in love, I can’t imagine life before this passion and I can’t imagine life without it. It informs my plans, goals, and dreams. Learning and teaching others what I have learned about spiritual matters is my life.

What can you wax poetic on? There is no passion too small or too large. When you identify it, or even if you already know exactly what it is, make time for a little bit of it each day. If the passion encompasses a dream that you would like to see into fruition, each day build upon your plan. Save a little more money for your own business, write an extra page in your novel, bake an extra cupcake, or give your child an extra hug. Recognize your passion, your calling, and invite it more fully into your everyday. By doing this you give it room to grow, air to breathe, and you instill deep joy consciously and authentically.

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This year perhaps you are making a resolution to go to the gym every day. Or maybe your resolution is to cut a certain food out of your diet or to quit smoking. These resolutions, even with the best of intent, are often short-lived and we feel frustration when we see ourselves “failing.” I urge you this new year to have compassion for yourself and to consider making resolutions that are on an even deeper soul level.

I am currently reading a fascinating book called Your Soul’s Plan by Robert Schwartz. In this book the author details conversations held with individuals and mediums about pre-birth planning, or the concept that your soul plans all of your life challenges before birth. In this book, the mediums interviewed often channel spirit guides who carry along information. One of my favorite sections shows the importance of recognizing our unity with all other beings: “Much of the darkness we experience on the physical plane is the result of our belief in separation. We believe that we are individuals, distinct and separate from one another and from Spirit. We believe, as the angel said, that we are our physical bodies.”

Whether or not the idea of pre-birth planning seems true to you or not, I think it’s important to start 2012 by remembering that we are all one. This means that when you begin to heal yourself, you are also healing the world. Your energy impacts not only you, your family members, your coworkers, but all beings. This is a difficult concept to really “get,” and I’m still trying to wrap my head around it, however, I do believe in my heart that this is true. During this new year, make an effort to remain conscious of how you choose to  impact the world, and remember that each thought, word, and action really does have strong repercussions, whether positive or negative.

Happy New Year’s Eve!

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I love getting great book recommendations from friends, so I thought I’d share some of my favorites with you! I am an avid reader and I have found that books on spiritual and self-help matters have been extremely eye-opening and healing. I found this book three years ago by chance. I was just beginning to step onto the path of healing and spirituality, and this book jumped out at me. The title itself, Take Time for Your Life, is such a needed reminder. The author, Cheryl Richardson, details seven steps to build a more fulfilling life. I especially liked one exercise where you calculate the hours in your day and how they are spent. I found that I devoted a limited amount of quality time to taking care of myself, while most of my free time was spent watching television or on the computer. Reading this book changed my life and inspired me to live each day more mindfully. Her words are practical and the steps she suggests are easy to implement in your life.

 Have you read this book and enjoyed it? Do you have any other book suggestions?

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